With utmost respect for our nation’s military and national defense, we request our government deny any request by the US Marines to acquire 140K acres of public land designated for OHV use in Johnson Valley, CA for the purpose of expanding the 29 Palms Marine base. Expanding the world’s largest Marine base will cost tax payers millions and the Marines have publicly stated the land is only needed 2 months a year. Economic reports show neighboring communities and small businesses could lose $100 Million annually due to base expansion. The Marines current expansion plan is unnecessary and fiscally irresponsible. We request our government encourage the Marines to work with the public and obtain permits from the BLM to meet training objectives instead of closing this land to the public forever.Please sign at:https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/save-johnson-valley-ohv-area-be-fiscally-responsible-stop-29-palms-marine-base-expansion-keep-public/5r0C7Xw4