How to fix “Processing webhook: Webhook user no longer in account. ” in Aha! Roadmap tool

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If you use Aha! Roadmap tool, you have JIRA integrated and received the following error: “Processing webhook: Webhook user no longer in account. ” this usually means that the user assigned to the Aha WebHook no longer exists in Aha user list. The Webhook user is different from the JIRA API user.


  1. Go to the Workspace settings page.
  2. Click on the JIRA Integration link under Integrations in the bottom of the left nav menu.
  3. Click the Enable tab
    1. This is where it will show you the Aha Webhook URL and the “Run as” user.
  4. Click Run as Me link.
  5. Click Save/Enable button
  6. Click Update Records to reprocess any records that are out of sync.